Business & Financial Times (IIPGH) in partnership with the Institute of ICT Professionals Ghana (IIPGH) will publish weekly articles (every Monday) on ICT. The column is called “ICT Insight with Institute of ICT Professionals”
As part of the partnership, IIPGH members would send articles on ICT weekly to IIPGH internal editorial board (, the articles would be reviewed before sending to B&FT for publication.
In addition, daily subscription of B&FT newsletter would be shared with members to subscribe where softcopy of the newspaper can be accessed online. This is different from the
The first edition of the article has been published in both print and online today. IIPGH team was at B&FT office today to thank them for the first edition of this weekly series and used the opportunity to discuss other collaborations.
The article can be found on page 23 of today’s B&FT or online: